Implants to restore electrical signals transmission | Boon for Paralyzed

The future of treating Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries looks promising.
The neural implant could restore walking to paralyzed individuals. It can be implanted directly on to the spinal cord, without damaging it.
Spinal Cord injury prevents the transmission of electrical signals from the brain to the legs, which leads to paralysis. The implant restores the transmission of electrical signals to the damaged spinal Cord.
It was tested on a completely paralyzed rat, which enabled it to walk over obstacles and climb on its own.

The process combines electrical and chemical simulations.
Step1 Pharmacological cocktail is delivered to the damaged part of the spinal cord.
Step 2 The elastic prosthesis is implanted to facilitate electrical stimulation.
Result: Recovery of the dormant neural network.
The soft and stretchable implant imitates the mechanical properties of a living tissue, which ensures that it doesn’t get rejected by the host or cause any inflammation.
This work shows that rehabilitation programs can help people with spinal cord injury.
In future, it could enable paraplegics to regain mobility without exoskeletons.
Join at Spine 2018 to share learn and explore more related to the aspects of spine and Spinal Disorders.
Spine 2018 -International Conference on Spine and Spinal DisordersAugust 30-31, 2018


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