Why do more women have strokes than men?

Stroke disproportionately affects more women than men. It is the third leading cause of death in women in the United States, is a leading cause of disability and affects 55,000 more women than men each year. Investigators are exploring the effects of potential risk factors that are unique to women, including hormone levels, hormone therapy, hormonal birth control, pregnancy and time of menarche and menopause.


 Factors that elevate stroke risk among women:
  • Early age of menarche(less than 10 years old)
  • Low levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS)
  • Early age at menopause(less than 45 years old))
  • Taking oral estrogen or combined oral contraceptives
while several of those factors are extremely common -- solely a fraction of women who have one or more can have a stroke in their lifetimes. it's vital for clinicians to contemplate these factors and others -- including women who have a history of pregnancy complications as well as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia or cardiovascular disease during or immediately following pregnancy.
These ladies ought to be monitored carefully and they ought to be aware that they are at higher risk and actuated to adhere to the healthiest lifestyle behaviors to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and subsequent stroke.

Certain risk factors -- like taking transdermal estrogen or progestogen-only contraception -- would like any analysis. The studies on stroke risk factors distinctive to transgender individuals, however, report that data on the consequences medical treatment with estrogens, anti-androgens, or a mix of both is scant. research on how to decrease risk among women with a history of pregnancy complication is another area ripe for additional analysis.

2nd World Congress on Biotechnology 
Frankfurt, German
October 25 - 27, 2018.
For more info: http://biotechnology.alliedacademies.com/


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