The different strains of Zika virus are collected, one among the queries is whether these Zika virus isolates have totally different growth properties in a form of human cell lines. To answer this question, then someone used a well-established technique, one-step growth analysis.

The virus replicates by the assembly of preformed parts into particles is the basic principle of virology. viral replicates by binary fission, which is totally different from cells.

The name of the one-step growth analysis comes from the fact that all infected cells are found in a culture, therefore the infection proceeds synchronously. This assay was the work of Max Delbrück and colleagues, who began in 1937 to review the T-even bacteriophages and developed the one-step growth analysis to review the single-cell life cycle of those viruses. Whereas the analysis of one-step growth was adapted for finding out the animal viruses replication.

From the cell monolayer, the medium is removed and the addition of virus in a very tiny volume to push speedy adsorption. Enough range of infectious viruses is added so all infected cells are within the culture. about an hour later, the removal of unabsorbed inoculant that contains virus particles takes place, Once the cells are washed, the contemporary medium is being added. after infection, samples of the cell culture supernatant are collected and therefore the virus titer is decided at completely different time intervals.

The one-step growth analysis is a powerful technique which offers quantitative information concerning the various virus replication or virus-host systems. the main aim is to spot the viral sequences that control the replication difference and to understand the mechanism underlying. it is vital to determine whether such differences in growth which is found in mouse models for Zika viral infection. The results of such studies ought to give information on whether different Zika virus isolates are related to distinctive illness outcomes.

To know more, join us at the “7th European Clinical Microbiology Congress” scheduled for November 01-03, 2018, at London, UK

Website: https://goo.gl/P4ZjcH  


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