Tips to improve the Blood sugar count

Healthy blood sugar control is an art. It includes several steps like, an active lifestyle, sufficient physical activities, a balanced meal plan and taking blood glucose-lowering medications regularly. One might also need other medications to control their blood pressure and cholesterol. Considering some additional lifestyle tips which can also be helpful to control blood sugar level and improve the overall health of diabetes affected patients.
  1. Research Before Taking Supplements
It has been claimed in India and other Asian countries that Bitter Gourd and Bitter Mellon which is a vegetable can lower the blood glucose level. Several studies suggest that fruit, juice or extract can improve the blood glucose level. Chromium picolinate can work as an insulin sensitizer and may improve blood glucose level in diabetes patients. It can improve HDL Cholesterol and triglyceride level.
  1. Exercise to Boost Energy and Improve Sleep
Inactivity in daily life can reduce the quality of sleep. And poor sleep leaves you with lethargic to exercise. At least a few minutes of daily exercise by walking on the lunch break or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can keep you fit. If you're giving up exercise for sleep, you may not be active enough during the day. Every single time you exercise, you are improving your insulin sensitivity which is an essential task for diabetes person.
  1. Set Enough Time for Quality Sleep
Your hormones can be disrupted because of your too little and poor sleep, leading to increased appetite, higher blood sugar, and a thicker waistline. A group of researchers from the Netherlands found that a single night of sleep deprivation can decrease insulin sensitivity by almost 25 percent which can change your blood glucose level drastically. Frequently rushing to use the bathroom may be a sign of high blood glucose level, measure your blood sugar more often and talk to your healthcare provider right away to get right medication on right time.
  1. Notify Your Health Care Provider Before Doing Adjustment in Medication
Consistently run high blood glucose can be managed by working with the healthcare provider by increasing one or more of your glucose-lowering medications. You can add a new medicine but after consulting with your diabetologist. Your blood sugar can be high because of simply eating too much. You must learn from your slip up and move on. Adjust your medications by discussing it with your diabetologist to avoid wrong treatment.
  1. Splash a Little Vinegar
Vinegar can reduce your blood glucose level. Regular consumption of 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar diluted in a cup of water or consuming vinegar as part of a salad before a meal may help to slow the post-meal surge in blood glucose. Studies suggest that vinegar may inhibit starch digestion and hold food in the stomach a little longer. It partially blocks the digestion of starch and thus it may help to blunt the rise of blood sugar in response to eating. Especially if you use insulin you should be cautious about taking Vinegar, because reports have shown a higher frequency of hypoglycemic episodes in individuals with type 1 diabetes who consume vinegar.
  1. Consume Water to Save Calories and Stay Hydrated
Plenty of calorie-free beverages, especially water is an essential drink must be taken every day. This is especially true when your blood sugar levels are fluctuating. High blood sugar can cause excessive urination and be drinking plenty of water helps you to prevent dehydration.
  1. Have a Cup of Green Tea
Consuming green tea is one of a great way to cut calories, save carbs, and get a good dose of disease-fighting polyphenols. Recent studies suggest that green tea may help to prevent type 2 diabetes and improve insulin sensitivity. But the evidence is not strong enough for recommendations. Any supplements should be taken with the caution and with a discussion of the healthcare professionals.
  1. Talk to Your Doctor About Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol may be used in lowering the blood sugar level for diabetes affected patients. But it can do so erratically and therefore it is not considered as a safe or effective method of glucose control. Alcohol interferes with the liver's ability to raise blood glucose and can cause low blood glucose which is known as Hypoglycemia.
  1. Enjoy Cinnamon as a Natural Flavour Booster (But It Might Not Lower Blood Sugar)
Cinnamon contains several natural compounds that could improve insulin sensitivity and insulin actions. According to a meta-analysis, at 2013 researchers have found that the consumption of cinnamon led to lower fasting blood glucose, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Unfortunately, the ideal dose and form of cinnamon have not been determined, and cinnamon may even cause liver toxicity.
  1. In a Pinch, Eat Diabetes Bars and Shakes as Meal Replacements
Bars or shakes made specifically for diabetes affected people which can help you to control blood sugar levels. It can be used as a meal replacement or snack. If you fall into the trap of eating those bars and shakes in addition to your usual meals or snacks, both your weight and your blood sugar levels may climb up. Please Don’t forget to read the labels for calories, saturated fats, and any other nutrient of concern. Just because a bar or shake is labeled suitable for diabetes doesn’t mean that it is truly medicated for Diabetes.
  1. Cook Pasta and Measure Servings
It is best to eat Pasta. But pasta which is overcooked becomes soft and lose their form. As a result, it can be a cause of rising blood sugar. The problem with pasta is, it is so palatable, and you may eat more than you intend. A cupful of pasta may provide you many calories and carb and the pasta go down faster. So, the advice is Cook starchy foods adequately but avoid overcooking as it will increase your blood sugar.
  1. Include and Enjoy Healthy Sources of Carbohydrates
An eating plan which is too low in carbohydrate is not balanced and your body may be deprived of important fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Recently, an experiment was conducted on women in carbohydrate intake. The woman was helped in balance her meal plan with additional carbohydrate-containing foods. And when they increased their carbohydrate intake, her hunger subsided. Additionally, they were able to maintain blood glucose level.
  1. Keep Eating Habits Consistent
It is not good to skip daily meals, especially breakfast. It can affect your blood sugar level and be depending on which you need to take blood glucose-lowering medications. Skipping meals could cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Skipping a meal also may lead to overeating, which can be a cause of an unwanted weight gain. If you are taking certain glucose-lowering medications, such as sulfonylureas that cause your pancreas to release more insulin into your bloodstream. Taking diabetes medication and skip one or two meals will create a bad impact on your health.
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